Saturday, January 23, 2010

Feeling Decay... Between the buildings.

Here is several pictures melancholy but pretty to me in their own right. Urban blight? Perhaps, but also regeneration and activity. Nothing is permanent, not even the pyramids.

To those of us familiar to the edge conditions around us, it would be improper to not address the concept of interstitial space, the space in-between proper name places.

Some of these areas are places to put debris, some are areas which are disguised by placing structure within them like the fenestrated walls between the road and the Amtrak parking lot. One of them is missing. It is a bit poetical. Does it illustrate the pointlessness of putting in a small knee wall of brick simply to decorate the in-between useless space? Is it vandalism, or was in a failure or a different sort, did a person hit the wall in a car accidently?

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