Sunday, January 24, 2010

There and Back

After all of the events, the rest of the trek was much less interesting. It was highlighted by checking out the boat dock a burring of edges in no uncertain terms as one leaves the shore to be supported by the docks, you are undoubtedly on water, not a very traditional place to be for a person, although some cultures have been formed by living on boats, the Hoklo people of Macao and Hong Kong are some of the most famous examples, it has been said some of these people live their entire lives from birth to death on a boat, never setting foot on land.

On the way was Altgeld Hall noting the addition for the hundredth time, it doesn't really match. It is the undesirable in Edge Conditions! It is neither matching the building nor is it different enough to make a statement. In fashion it would clash. In Architecture it is unpleasing. Perhaps it is simply the reality of a state funded project, not enough money budget so things are left off.

A different sort of condition at Thompson point; we didn't spend all our state allotted money therefore we needed to throw these decorative sails on the building! If we are headed towards a new reality of increasing government projects and decreasing private ones, we need to re-examine how we fund these projects.

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